Most of the herbs useful in pain relieving herbal tea recipes are natural analgesics. These herbs have long been used for their ability to naturally relieve pain. Some of them boast other medicinal benefits as well, like anti-inflammatory properties and benefits for circulation. We compiled a list of the best seven choices of herbal tea for back pain so that you can consider brewing a cup from time to time for soothing and lasting relief.
1. Turmeric
Although turmeric today may be best known for its unique coloring and distinctive flavor, in times past, it was a noted remedy for pain related to bruises, strains and sprains. Turmeric is a natural pain reliever that boasts another benefit as well, natural anti-inflammatory properties. It contains curcumin, a compound that has been shown to reduce inflammation by lowering the levels of the enzymes which can cause it in the first place. It can serve an excellent addition to a tea for back pain and works well with other natural analgesics in herbal tea recipes.
2. Valerian Root
Nature’s most well known sleep aid may not be getting all the credit it deserves. Valerian root tea may in fact be an excellent choice for bringing about restful sleep and quieting tense and anxious nerves and a mild pain reliever. Valerian is a good choice for people whose back pain is keeping them from getting a good night’s sleep or falling asleep in the first place. Because it can keep pain sensing nerves from being over stimulated, it can dull the sensation of pain.
3. Eucommia
In ancient Chinese medicine, eucommia was used for the treatment of painful and achy joints and backs. The herb is thought to not only bring about gentle pain relief, but also heal tissue that has been damaged and likely the cause of the pain in the first place. Animal studies show that eucommia (both the bark and the leaves) might support the development of healthy collagen, which is vital to healthy tissues. Derivatives of eucommia make for a perfect tea for back pain, but the natural remedy is most often combined with other similarly functioning healers in herbal tea recipes.
4. White Willow Bark
Studies have pointed to the ability of natural willow bark to be similarly effective to over the counter medicines in terms of providing pain relief. This is likely due to the herb’s aspirin like compounds. Both acute and chronic back pain as well as discomfort in the joints and symptoms of osteoarthritis may benefit from white willow bark. It also makes a delicious tea for back pain.
5. Devil’s Claw
Devil’s claw has been associated with relieving pain related to osteoarthritis and improving the quality of life in people with the condition. Its anti-inflammatory effects are likely responsible for the positive outcomes. In one small study, eight weeks worth of devil’s claw use led to over half of participants ditching their everyday medications in favor of the pain relief brought from the natural herb. Devil’s claw is also thought to be useful for back and neck pain in addition to its notable arthritis benefits. It can be included in a tea for back pain alongside other natural analgesics.
6. Black Cohosh
The herbal remedy that is known for relieving muscle spasms has a place in providing pain relief to those suffering from chronic back discomfort. When back pain exists from achy and tender muscles, black cohosh can help relieve the tension and ultimately, reduce the associated pain. Black cohosh can be used in a tea for back pain, but is also available in tincture form too.
7. Kava Root
Kava kava may not be well known, but in the Western Pacific world it is considered the best way to relieve painful muscles. Kava root provides pain relief via natural muscle relaxing properties, and it also can help soothe and quite the nerves and bring about a peaceful resolution of tension. Kava kava makes a wonderful tea for back pain, and it also can work well alongside other herbs, but use caution when putting kava kava alongside natural sedatives in herbal tea recipes to prevent a state of over relaxation.