1. Dandelion Leaf
In terms of effectiveness, there are few herbal diuretics that are considered to be as effective as dandelion leaf. This herb is also beneficial due to its nutrient content and other medicinal uses. Dandelion leaf is an excellent choice in a tea for bloating, especially in those that would like a decaffeinated tea option. When bloating is caused by an increase in water retention, dandelion suffices nicely, and is generally considered free from side effects.
2. Yarrow
Yarrow is an incredible herbal remedy that has been used in a wide range of health ailments for hundreds of years. The yellow flowers of the plant make an excellent brewed beverage and can be steeped in boiling water for ten minutes and then strained in order to make a tea for bloating. Yarrow is a diuretic and is also very dense in terms of nutrient content, boasting many minerals, vitamins and powerful flavonoids.
3. Fennel
Fennel has long been used a digestive to help soothe the stomach. Because bloating can often be caused by bowel problems such as constipation, fennel can provide a natural means to alleviate the symptoms of both issues. It helps make passing stool easier and gentler and hence can lead to reduced abdominal bloat. Fennel makes an excellent tea for bloating and is also easy to use in many cooking applications. Fennel’s desirable flavor also makes the crushed seeds worth adding to many herbal tea blends.
4. Mint
Mint can soothe body and mind thanks to a delicious flavor and tantalizing aroma. But, both traditional mint (peppermint) and relative spearmint can be powerful allies in terms of digestion. Difficult digestion can be a major precursor to uncomfortable bloating, and mint can help reduce flatulence, constipation, diarrhea and cramping. Mint makes an excellent choice in a tea for bloating and adds flavor and benefit at the same time.
5. Ginger
Ginger may perhaps be one of the most well known herbal remedies for digestive problems. Ginger’s claim to fame is a known ability to reduce nausea and stomach upset, but the way in which ginger does this to begin with is soothing digestive processes. Those processes can produce bloating and make it more severe, and using ginger in a tea for bloating can help alleviate symptoms. In addition, ginger’s delicious and unique flavor makes it a popular entry into teas and herbal tea blends.
Bloating is an incredibly common symptom of a wide variety of non serious digestive disturbances. This condition is also attributed to hormonal changes in women and water retention. Bloating is normally temporary in nature, but can be long lasting or severe. In these cases discuss your symptoms with a health care provider to ensure that they are not related to a serious underlying health concern.
Using herbs found in nature in a tea for bloating can be a safe and natural way to combat occasional abdominal distress. When combined with healthy lifestyle changes, bloating occurrences can be reduced in a delicious and soothing way.