1. St. John’s Wort
One of the most thoroughly studied herbs found in nature is St. John’s Wort, which is also one of the most popular herbal remedies. It is available commercially and from health food stores and herbalist outlets. St. John’s Wort is thought to balance out the chemicals in the brain that can affect mood, like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. It also possesses antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects and is thought to support thyroid function too. Although easy to find in pill and supplement form, St. John’s Wort lends itself nicely to brewing and can result in a delicious tea for depression that can lift the fog of a down and out mood.
2. Saffron
Saffron is best known for both its high price tag and its extensive use in exotic cuisine. But, saffron is much more than just a pricey flavoring. The spice is packed with vitamins, can help with digestive processes and also is thought to help boost a depressed mood. It goes without saying that it can make for a delicious tea for depression, boasting a unique and enjoyable flavor profile.
3. Rhodiola Rosea
Rhodioloa rosea is a cold loving plant that has been used medicinally for a very long time. The plant has been associated with elevating the mood and affording the consumer a means to combat both stress and anxiety. Interestingly enough, the herb has also been linked to helping the body recover after physical activity, boosting immunity and improving mental acuity. Used in many herbal tea recipes and can be combined with other mood enhancing herbs into a unique and flavorful tea for depression symptoms.
4. Camu Camu
Camu Camu refers to a berry that grows in tropical regions and is thought to contain more vitamin C per serving than any other form of produce known. This herb is usually incorporated into blends based with green tea and its thought to be able to combat the symptoms of depression with virtually no adverse side effects.
5. Maca
Maca is an interesting addition to our top ten list because it has been studied extensively in one particular type of person – women experiencing the symptoms of menopause. Because mental changes occur commonly alongside the female change of life, the positive mental effects maca displayed in these studies was worth noting. Other studies showed that these same positive effects were observable in all individuals, not exclusive to those encountering menopause. Maca is an excellent addition to any tea for depression based on these results. Maca is available in many herbal tea blends, and the root is the part commonly used in these applications.
6. Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is a plant that has been a mainstay of Ayurvedic medicine for a very long time. It has a wide range of medicinal benefits, including being an excellent addition to a tea for depression. This herb can help improve the mood and reduce anxiety as well. Ashwagandha also has shown some promise in terms of both cancer cell growth and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, making it arguably one of the most powerful herbs found in nature.
7. Rosemary
Best known for its role in culinary applications, rosemary also boasts a load of medicinal benefit that many people are unaware of. It is used in alternative medicine for bladder infections, diabetes and food poisoning but is thought to have another trick up its sleeve too. Rosemary is a notable addition to a tea for depression as the common kitchen herb is thought to help lift the spirits and reverse a depressed mood.
8. Passion Flower
Passion Flower is known for its sedative effects, and though that may not sound directly related to depression, the plant’s ability to quell the stress and anxiousness that can accompany depression that make it an excellent choice. This herb is used for nerve disorders, muscle pain and emotional turmoil, all hallmark symptoms of depression. This herb is very popular in herbal tea recipes for its flavor and wide range of health benefits and makes an excellent addition to a tea for depression.
9. Chamomile
Much of what can cause or enhance the symptoms of depression centers around stress, worry and anxiousness. Chamomile, the herb that is well known for its use in helping people fall asleep, does a whole lot more than bring about a good night’s rest. The reason why chamomile helps people to sleep is that it can reduce feelings of anxiety and provide a calming and relaxing sensation. For people who endure the symptoms of depression as they relate to anxiousness and worry, chamomile is an excellent choice.
10. Green Tea
Green tea is incredibly unique in that it actually promotes mental clarity while at the same time reducing the feelings of stress and anxiety that some people experience. It can lead to a truly focused state, which can be a great advantage for people battling the symptoms of depression. The beverage can serve as a tea for depression on its own, or combined with other herbs that can help to boost your mood and lift your spirits.
Depression is a serious medical condition and should be cared for by a trained medical provider. Persons with depression, especially those on medications, should not use alternative therapies without talking to their doctor beforehand. Herbal teas provide natural healing options without many of the risks associated with medications, and their safe and responsible use can lead to a reduction in the symptoms of depression and a relaxed and calm state without anxiousness, fear or worry.