Top 10 Alfalfa Tea Benefits

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Alfalfa Tea BenefitsAlfalfa may hold the title as one of the most overlooked herbal remedies on the planet. The flowering plant, a common component of hay and cattle feed, is one of the most potent bearers of chlorophyll on Earth and is loaded with beneficial nutrients, making it a commonplace addition to some supplements despite it’s numerous industrial and commercial uses unrelated to health and wellness. In fact, it’s one of the few biological sources of vitamin D available, as sun dried plants were found to contain the sun vitamin. Alfalfa tea benefits are numerous, and a brew made from its leaves can provide a wealth of healthful possibilities.

Making tea from the leaves of the alfalfa plant is simple, and a plain version has a mild flavor that makes enjoying the brew easy. However, alfalfa is a hugely popular addition to many herbal tea recipes, and it’s easily paired with other beneficial herbs. One such alfalfa tea recipe combines equal parts alfalfa, red clover, and nettle leaf, oat straw and red raspberry leaf. The mixture can be added ¼ cup at a time to a quart of boiling water in a container with a secure lid. The brew should be left overnight and then strained before enjoying. Honey and lemon are both ideal flavorings for this blended beverage, which provides a delicious way to take advantage of the abundance of alfalfa tea benefits available, the best ten of which follow!

1. Cholesterol Reduction

There is scientific evidence that alfalfa contains nutrients and chemical compounds that may actually prevent cholesterol from being absorbed. This mechanism of action means that alfalfa tea benefits may include long term disease prevention.

2. Diuretic Properties

There are actually numerous diuretics that are found in nature, and it’s easy to argue that some other plants, such as dandelion, may be more effective in this regard. But, since alfalfa is also thought to support a healthy bladder and kidneys, it may be a better overall choice for naturally relieving water retention.

3. Laxative Benefits

Over the counter laxatives are inexpensive and very effective, however natural options have many benefits. Alfalfa in particular gently relieves constipation and also provides a serious boost in nutrients that can help contribute to a healthy digestive system, both helping alleviate the immediate issue of constipation and also helping regulate bowel movements in the long term as a part of alfalfa tea benefits.

4. Detoxification

It’s laxative and diuretic uses make it easy to identify that alfalfa is associated with removing waste from the body in various ways. However, brewed tea from the plant’s leaves is particularly popular as a part of cleansing detoxification, and is thought to help remove impurities from the body, particularly the blood.

5. Blood Pressure Reduction

Alfalfa may contribute to good heart health in more ways than one. Known to not only reduce bad cholesterol but also help lower blood pressure and help regulate it, people at risk of certain types of cardiovascular disease may want to seriously consider alfalfa tea benefits for the heart.

6. Immunity Boost

Alfalfa isn’t called the “father of all foods” for no reason. This nickname comes from the fact that few edibles found in nature are as abundantly packed with nutrients as alfalfa is, which boasts potassium, vitamins K, D, E and A as well as the entire group of B vitamins not to mention other essentials like iron and calcium too. Immunity relies on a healthy body that is sufficient in all the elements needed for physiological processes. It’s likely in this way that the herb is linked to staving off illness.

7. Headaches and Migraines

Both magnesium and calcium have been associated with helping to relieve headaches and migraines and alfalfa tea benefits may include treating the common maladies because the plant is so rich in the nutrients thought to combat them.

8. Tooth Health

A boat load of nutrients are likely still the reason why alfalfa has been associated in various ways with oral health. Less substantiated are claims that the herb helps with bad breath, but the rich vitamin and mineral content of the plant lend some credibility to the notion that alfalfa tea benefits may include slowing tooth decay and re-strengthening teeth.

9. Aiding Digestion

as a part of Ayurvedic medicine, alfalfa is used in order to restore balance to the digestive tract and keep the gastrointestinal system healthy.

10. Iron Deficiency

Anemia is a health condition that is attributed to not having enough iron in the body. Many people use supplements in order to achieve healthy levels of iron in the blood. Alfalfa tea benefits include a heaping, healthy dose of naturally occurring iron, which is important to good all around nutrition as well as anemia prevention.